COVID-19 has changed the way that we live and how we learn. However, just because we have to create a new model for medical education does not mean that doctors-in-training shouldn’t be given a comprehensive and experiential education.
Our basic science students have access to robust, interactive distance learning programs at St. George’s University School of Medicine. Students will be able to learn from live lectures and labs, as well as integrated clinical skills training sessions that are delivered virtually. They will leave their distance learning experience fully prepared to continue their education to become doctors.
This overview will give you an idea of what to expect from the online medical school classes at SGU.
Questions about online learning in medical school
The medical community is the best at understanding the need to make adjustments for public health. We at SGU believe that students should not be discouraged from pursuing their dreams of becoming doctors by unexpected campus closures or other global health protocols.
The School of Medicine is constantly looking for innovative ways to share our knowledge with students enrolled in online medical school programs. It’s important for future doctors to feel supported and prepared for their exams. Continue reading to see how SGU is rising to the challenge.
What should I expect from an online medical student?
SGU’s distance learning programs include multidisciplinary, case-based, live small group led by qualified Doctor of Medicine (MD), facilitators. Online medical students will find it easier to study independently and self-pace with recordings and other resources.
Stephanie Chen, a student at SGU, shares that “my original small group grew very closely and they were extremely supportive of each other and willing to help them out.” “It’s this culture that we created for each other that has allowed us to put our best foot forward .” and get the most out of the online learning experience
The online learning program also offers live content such as lectures and interactive multiple choice question sessions. This multi-layered approach allows for a social and dynamic learning environment, despite virtual limitations. Students can take part in integrated clinical skills training as well as a variety of electives that are highly relevant. They can also do this comfortably from a distance.
Sibel Dikmen, a student at SGU, notes that one thing she enjoyed the most was taking things at a slower pace than in Grenada. Surprisingly, after moving to an online learning structure, I made many new friends who I now study with every day.
“I feel like I have more time for studying. I don’t need to factor in time spent driving to/from campus, or just getting around campus to get from one class to another. Claudia Muller Moran, a SGU student, says that it is self-paced so you can prioritize what you want in the order that you want. Through group chats and other social media platforms, she found that she could still foster close relationships with her classmates.
Can I receive the same medical education through distance learning?
SGU’s School of Medicine is dedicated to giving students the hands-on, unique experience they expect from medical school. Students can also take their basic science courses online. They can fully immerse in the course material as well as the classroom experience no matter where they are located.
Students studying medicine online will get the same quality education as those who study on campus at SGU in Grenada. We have extensive online learning resources to ensure that our program meets the same academic standards as the SGU School of Medicine.
Students at SGU can expect the following:
- Asynchronous and synchronous lectures will both be available to accommodate different learning styles and allow for a blended learning approach.
- Designed learning resources and activities will include high-quality images, animations and custom-generated by SGU.
- Access to web-based scientific literature and faculty-developed videos.
- In addition to new clinical cases, are continually being added to our curriculum.
SGU medical students can receive high-quality training via a flexible virtual model that combines the best of online learning with traditional medical education. Chen said, “I like that you can set your own schedule and go at your own pace.
It has been something that I didn’t expect to like. It allowed me to be flexible and succeed academically. But it also gave me time to do the things that I love such as reading, cooking healthy meals, or going on bike rides with my partner. She also explained that online medical school gave her the ability to prioritize self-care areas she might not have been able do on campus.
What support will I get from SGU while learning online?
SGU’s unique program is made possible by the School of Medicine’s commitment to providing strong support for students and plenty of online learning resources. This is why online medical school classes are so popular.
Our faculty is technologically proficient and has extensive experience with virtual content delivery and instructing via platforms such as Zoom, Skype and Panopto. Medical school faculty can engage students online through their mastery of these tools.
Multiple electronic contact points are available at the school to enable students to communicate with faculty. The school makes every effort to maintain open communication channels. In addition to individual, one-to-one appointments, small group facilitator-led sessions are also available. These online resources are available to students:
- Open drop-in office hours
- Online discussion to support student learning
- All students studying for the USMLE can get specialized online academic advice.
- Support students in significantly different time zones
- IT support for exams
The SGU School of Medicine offers a wide range of support resources to students who study at Grenada’s campus. Online learners also have access to comprehensive support.
“The world is in dire need of leaders. It’s an amazing opportunity to attend medical school and participate in the social changes that are happening right in front of your eyes.