Finding patients to participate in clinical trials can be a challenge for sponsors of research studies. It is, therefore, a good idea to partner with a company that specializes in outreach. These agencies are experts at helping sponsors reach their research goals while staying within budget and time constraints.
There are many clinical trial recruitment agencies, but not all of them are created equal. Finding the best one will require a combination of thorough vetting as well as a workflow that ensures enrolment success. Please continue reading to find out what we recommend.
Ask the right questions
Asking the right questions in the first discussions with a possible recruitment partner can give you a good idea of the agency’s expertise and how it fits your needs. Included in the list of questions to ask are:
What conditions have you recruited in the past for?
What is the most common way to find patients?
When will you be releasing your outreach materials?
Do you handle your marketing in-house, or do you use an agency?
Can your company provide a pre-screening for my trial, or will I have to do it myself?
What follow-up services are available for patients?
What are the enrollment numbers or funnel metrics of past trials?
What makes your recruitment strategy for clinical trials different from those of other companies?
Some agencies offer services that include site selection and management in addition to helping with enrollment goals. Ask about previous trials, feasibility studies, or other methods that have been used to handle this process.
Understanding the patient population
It is crucial to know the demographics of the patients and the solutions they are hoping to achieve through their participation in clinical trials. Recruitment agencies often have information about key patient populations from previous projects, surveys of patients, and partnerships that allow them to connect with real people. It is important to collect as much information as possible during the design of the trial so that the clinical trials can be centered around the patient.
Ask for examples of outreach material.
It can be helpful to see examples of outreach material in order to understand the type of work that a recruitment agency does. It is still worthwhile to see what advertising copywriting and design were used for past materials, even if they were created for a different condition. Asking about the company’s optimization strategies and how they monitor and improve campaign effectiveness can be useful.
Share deadlines in advance
It may be a good idea to review key dates after gaining a better understanding of the average timeline for completing milestones. Consider the kickoff meeting, deadline for review, and the final submission, working backward from the first targeted enrollment date.