It is worth considering becoming a family physician

Many people who are considering medical school may not know what kind of doctor they want to be. There are so many medical specialties available that it can be difficult to choose one.

It may surprise you to learn that family physicians often feel indecisive. This field is a great choice for those who don’t feel limited. Continue reading to discover if you have any similar characteristics to these doctors.

A good family doctor might be

You want variety in your work

What does a family physician do? You can do a little of everything! Many people refer to themselves as family doctors. They will tell you that no two days look the same. That’s how they like it.

Dr. Lisa Doggett is a family physician who also serves as the medical director at AxisPoint Health. “I like the variety in clinical cases .”

You might want to do more in a highly-specialized field. Because they aren’t interested in being limited to one aspect of medicine, some people end up becoming family doctors. Dr. Robert Raspa is a family physician who was formerly a board member of American Academy of Family Physicians.

Dr. Raspa states that students will see positive results in their rotations. These future MDs can choose family medicine to be able to do some of the many things they love.

You are great at solving problems

Medicine is not always straightforward. Two patients may have very different symptoms. These situations require family physicians to keep their heads clear and develop a treatment plan.

“We’re pretty good at handling uncertainty,” Dr. Raspa says.

Family doctors may need to be creative too. Patients who cannot afford health care might find Plan A not an option. This was something Dr. Doggett witnessed firsthand while she was in clinical practice.

You’re a natural communicator

It doesn’t suffice to be a skilled technician and keep up with family medicine continuing education requirements. It’s important to feel connected to patients and be able communicate information to them and their loved one in an easy-to-understand manner.

“You will always learn, and you will always need to look things up,” Dr. Latisha Rowe says, a family doctor and founder of The Rowe Network.

As more people live in diverse communities, it is becoming increasingly important to be able to communicate in other languages. Dr. Doggett recommends that medical students learn Spanish, if at all possible.

“Being fluent in Spanish will make you an asset and make it easier for you to apply for any job,” she said.

It’s a pleasure to build meaningful relationships

You might consider becoming a family physician if you are a people person. Family doctors often see the same patients year after another.

Dr. Raspa recommends that you value interpersonal relationships. You don’t need to be an introvert .”

Family medicine may even be more relationship-oriented than other primary care specialties. Family physicians see patients of all ages. Some may even see several patients who are related.

You are comfortable calling the shots

Family physicians are often part of a larger team that provides healthcare, but they need to feel comfortable leading the charge. They are the ones who facilitate communication between other providers. Patients with a variety of health problems are often treated by family doctors.

Dr. Raspa states that you should feel confident in your ability to handle a wide range of problems.

You’d enjoy job security

The demand for primary care doctors is high. According to the Association of American Medical Colleges, there could be a shortage of primary care physicians (which includes family doctors) by 2034. It is easy to see why family doctors are expected to increase by five to seven percent between 2029 and 2029.

You want to be able to choose.

Even if traditional medicine is what you desire, it’s good to know that there are many other options. The advancement of healthcare technology has allowed for positions that were once impossible to imagine.

Dr. Rowe says that telemedicine is on the rise and allows patients to receive primary care at home, or internationally, if they choose.

Many family doctors end up in jobs that do not involve direct patient care. Dr. Doggett is one such example. He has since moved to a nonclinical position.

She says that there are many career options, even outside of traditional practice.

You desire to serve a higher purpose

Dr. Raspa said that there is one thing common among family doctors who want to return to their community after they are ready to practice. Raspa is not the only one to believe so.

Dr. Doggett recommends that family medicine be used if you are looking to help your community. “Primary care physicians are needed in disadvantaged areas to treat the high number of chronic diseases .”

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