Pain on Top of Foot

Foot pain

Not only are our feet made of bones and muscles but also ligaments and tendons. It’s no surprise that foot pain is quite common as these parts support our entire body weight.

Sometimes we feel pain in the top of our feet, making it difficult to walk or stand still. It can be severe or mild, depending on the injury.

What causes foot pain?

There are many causes of pain on the top of your foot. The most common is overuse of activities such as running, jumping or kicking.

Overuse can lead to:

  • The cause of extensible tendonitis is overuse and tight-fitting footwear. Inflammation and pain can occur when the tendons that run along the top of the feet pull the foot upwards.
  • Sinus tarsi syndrome: This rare condition is known as inflamed sinus Tarsi. It refers to the canal between the heel of the foot and the bone at the ankle. This condition causes pain at the top of your foot and outside your ankle.
  • Stress fractures of the bones of the feet: This can be caused by fractures in the metatarsal bone, which is located at the top of your feet. As a result, you will probably experience swelling.

The following are some other causes of foot pain:

  • Gout can cause intense, sudden pain at the base joint of the big toe.
  • Bone spurs are painful growths in the joints between your toes and feet.
  • Peripheral neuropathy is a condition that causes pain, prickling or numbness and can extend from the feet to the legs.
  • Common peroneal nerve dysfunction is the dysfunction in a branch of the sciatic nerve. This can cause tingling, pain at the top and weakness at the feet or lower legs.

How can pain be diagnosed?

You should see your doctor if you experience persistent foot pain, even if you’ve tried home remedies. If your foot pain becomes unbearable and prevents you from being able to walk, or if there is burning, numbness or tingling, you should call your doctor. Your general practitioner can refer you to a podiatrist.

Your doctor will ask about other symptoms and possible injuries to your foot when you visit them. They might ask you about your past injuries to your ankle or feet.

The doctor will examine your foot. They may apply pressure to different parts of your foot to determine where the pain is. They may ask you to move your feet or do exercises such as rolling your foot to evaluate your range and motion.

Your doctor will ask you to bend your foot down and pull your toes upwards to check for tendonitis. Extensor tendonitis can cause pain if you feel it.

Your doctor will order an X-ray of your foot if they suspect a fracture, broken bone, or bone spurs.

Your doctor might also run the following tests:

  • Blood tests can be used to identify conditions like gout.
  • An MRI is used to assess the damage to the peroneal nerve.

How can pain be treated?

A mild injury to the feet can lead to a severe injury. It is crucial to seek prompt treatment for any injury you suspect.

The underlying cause of the condition will determine the treatment. This may include:

  • Physical therapy can treat conditions like peripheral neuropathy, extensor tendonitis and damage to the peroneal nerve.
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  • NSAIDs and other anti-inflammatory medications can be used to reduce inflammation.
  • Home treatment

In many cases, home treatment is an option for foot pain. The affected foot should be restrained and kept off your feet as much as possible. Ice can be applied to the affected area for 20 minutes, but not more. Wear supportive shoes that don’t feel too tight when you have to walk.


The majority of foot pains are easily treated. However, they must be addressed before the injury or pain worsens. You should avoid standing on your feet for five days if you feel pain at the top of your foot. Then, apply ice to the area for 20 minutes. You should consult your doctor if these home remedies don’t work after five days.

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