Pumice Stone

How to use a pumice stone

Pumice stones

When lava and water combine, a pumice rock is formed. It is a light yet abrasive stone that can be used to remove dead skin. A pumice rock can soften your corns and calluses to reduce friction pain.

This stone can be used daily, but it is important to understand how to use it properly. You can cut too much of your skin and cause bleeding.


A pumice stone can be purchased at your local grocery store or beauty supply shops. Double-sided pumice rock is available in some stores. These stones can be used for buffing or rougher skin.

You will need to use warm soapy water to exfoliate your skin safely. This is particularly important when you are exfoliating your hands or feet. You can use the pumice stone to exfoliate your elbows and face or neck while you take a shower.

You will also need the following accessories:

  • Soft towel
  • moisturizer (cream, lotion, or oil)
  • moisturizing socks (optional)
  • Use a bristled brush for cleaning the pumice stones.

Step-by-step instructions

These guidelines will show you how to remove your rough skin. Stop using the pumice stones immediately if you experience any pain or other irregular symptoms.


  1. All of your materials should be gathered in one place. You must ensure that the water and stone are clean.
  2. Warm water can soak your callused, dry skin for five to ten minutes. This will soften the skin. Add soap or oil to your water to soften and increase the moisture. Use a pumice rock to rub your elbows or knees or on your face.

Use the pumice rock.

  1. Warm water can also be used to soak your skin. It would be best never to use a dry pumice rock on your skin. You can glide the wet pumice stones across your skin more easily, reducing your chances of getting injured.
  2. Take the area you want to be cleaned out of the soap bath. Dry the area with a towel. You can continue to soak your skin for several minutes if your skin is still dry.
  3. Apply the pumice stones to your skin by removing them from the warm water.
  4. Use light pressure to rub the pumice stones’ abrasive sides over your skin. For two to three minutes, massage your skin. Stop immediately if your skin feels sensitive or itchy.
  5. Focus your attention on your feet. Pay particular attention to your heels and the sides of your fingers.
  6. Continue to rub the pumice rock on your skin until the dead skin is gone and you see the softer skin beneath.
  7. Rinse your skin after two to three minutes of gentle rubbing. Repeat the process if you see any skin patches that aren’t dead. You should rinse your pumice stones after each session to keep your skin clean.
  8. This process can be repeated daily or for several weeks to keep your skin soft and supple.


  1. Apply a moisturizer to your skin after you’re done. This will help maintain your skin’s moisture and softness. After moisturizing your skin, you can add moisturizing socks to give your skin an extra boost.
  2. After each use, clean your pumice stones. Use a bristle toothbrush to remove any dead skin from the pumice stone. Use a little soap to ensure that the stone is clean and free from dirt. You can get bacteria from the surface.
  3. Your pumice should not be shared with anyone else. Everyone should have their own.
  4. Let the stone dry naturally. To prevent bacteria growth, place it in a dry location.


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