How to keep up-to-date with your medical condition using Google

Medical research is a fast-paced industry. Despite the fact that the average clinical trial takes about ten years, discoveries happen all the time. It can be difficult to keep up with the latest developments.

Google has several tools that can help those who want to stay informed about the latest medical research, patient testimonials, and other advancements. Read on to find out more.

Alerts to new hits on a search query

Google searches are a great way to find the best information on a particular topic. Google Alerts are another way to receive instant updates on new developments in a specific category. This can be done by:


Entering the keywords

Selecting “show options” will allow you to specify preferences for source types, digest frequency, and much more.

Find blogs from a patient’s perspective.

Engaging in online communities during difficult times can be a positive experience for patients. Many sites feature patient-written content prominently. Searching for a disease and adding the word “blog” will allow you to find out which patients, patient advocacy groups, and other organizations blog about it.

Search for videos to find documentaries and other content

Google’s search filters make it simple to find videos on the Internet. Click the “filters button” to view the categories that include video when searching for the name of a condition. This will bring up clips from different places on the Internet and make it easier to find useful material.

Find academic articles using Google Scholar.

Researchers aren’t the only ones who can benefit from academic articles. Google Scholar allows you to search for peer-reviewed, published articles. These articles include results, methodologies, questions and answers, and much more. They are a reliable source for the latest information.

Antidote Match is a great way to stay up-to-date on the latest clinical studies that are looking for volunteers. Sign up for trial notifications to stay informed about any new studies. Click on the button below to start searching.

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